(Entries closed for 2024)
Entry info: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GdiGxjJz_1LIGsnj18aa4dsbmNp1UjCqCOZr3W7GH7Q/edit?usp=sharing
Mock #1 Schedule: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MAS2n7Cv48q0lY138GWFFmICKd5627EBCLyjE806yQI/edit?usp=sharing
Important dates to note:
Friday 26th April 7.30pm - APDA Exam entries close
Saturday 8th June & weekends 3rd - 4th // 10th - 11th August (Mock exam practice #1 on the 8th and Mock exam practice #2 on ONE of the following days only: 3rd, 4th, 10th OR 11th, we are aware Jump Jam is the 10th so the older students will be placed there. Your date will be confirmed once entries are in. Weekend #2 will be combined with NZAMD mock exams
Proposed APDA exam dates: 12th - 14th August (During school time, your exam could potentially be a day either side depending on exam entry numbers vs examiner availability)
