A warm welcome to all returning & new students,
We are looking forward to a super year of dance in 2024 and can't wait to have you all back in the studio soon!
JMSD dance classes commence next week from Wednesday 7th of February (the day after Waitangi). Monday lessons resume on the 12th, and Tuesday lessons the 13th (the week after).
Information Hub
Our website has a few handy pages to get you started for 2024.
- Uniform page: https://www.jennamckenzieschoolofdance.nz/uniform
- Frequently Asked Questions https://www.jennamckenzieschoolofdance.nz/faq
- Important dates & events https://www.jennamckenzieschoolofdance.nz/blog
Please also have a read through our 2024 Brochure & Welcome Note to get you prepared for the first day back:
JMSD Welcome Note 2024
2024 Contacts
General enquiries, enrolments, uniform questions & ordering: jmsd.orders@gmail.com
Accounts & invoicing: jmsd.accts@gmail.com
Friendly reminders to keep our neighbours happy ...
Please be mindful of your parking, taking care not to park in or even slightly over our neighbours or JMSD driveway, not even for a brief moment. Some neighbours will become very upset and may confront you or myself as they have become fed up with this in the past. We ask you to please allow time to park and walk if needed. Please do not pull into JMSD drive way for drop offs - this is for staff, residents and pedestrian access only. This is due to the dangers caused by people reversing out onto busy King Street.
Invoicing reminders...
Our office will be invoicing for lessons the first week of term, usually after attendance (via email). There are a few outstanding accounts, we ask you to please check your emails from jmsd.accts@gmail.com - those owing from term 3 2023 to please have accounts cleared or a payment plan in place before returning for 2024. Many thanks to those who have clear accounts.
Thank you all for your wonderful support, we can't wait to see you soon!
Kind Regards
Jenna, Charis & JMSD Staff
